Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Santa Fe, New Mexico

On our way to Santa Fe we had another classic experience in the Winnie Jack. We were driving down the highway, and out of nowhere something flies off the front of the Winnie, hits the windshield and then the ground. We hear it hit the ground and we all thought..."What was that?" Steve pulled over on the side of the highway to get out and run back to see what had happened. On his way up the highway running, a police officer puts his lights on and pulled over to Steve. Seth was with him running along side with only one shoe on because the anticipation of what had flown off the RV was so great and he could only find one shoe! Thankfully, the police officer was pulling over to help, but all Emmy could see off in the distance was a police car picking up her daddy and taking him away! We were hurrying to get our shoes on so we could go find out what was going on! Emilie was relieved to see Dad and Seth coming back in the police car unharmed with a piece of the grill that had flown off! What a hoot!

We were hoping for warm weather in New Mexico...but no way! It was snowing!


CA Mom said...

Oh my gosh - snow!! what an adventure with the Winnie Jack losing a grill and ride in a police car. What fun you all have, we sure miss you!

Toria said...

I loved reading and catching up on your adventures. Can't wait to read more and hear about this baby coming soon!
Congratulations on such a fun family adventure!